Capitol AI, Archive Buttons, PDF Extractor

Blend storytelling + design + research, paywall removers, PDF-to-spreadsheet

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👋 Good morning,

Here’s your weekly roundup with some new insanely cool tools, websites and apps.

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Looking for visuals and charts, rather than words, to understand the daily news?

Bay Area Times is a visual-based newsletter on business and tech, with 250,000+ subscribers.

Capitol AI

Capitol AI is an insanely cool AI content creation platform that blends storytelling, design, and research.

Archive Buttons

We all hate those pesky paywalls on news articles. This insanely useful website features multiple paywall removers in one place. Simply enter the URL of the article you’re trying to read to get started.

Private PDF Extractor

This website is a private PDF-to-spreadsheet extractor for all your sensitive documents. Use it for bank statements, financial reports, etc. They claim to have no access to your data and nothing ever leaves your computer.

Classifieds 👋

Visual identity for startups. Founders, need a standout look fast? Get a custom visual identity in 5 days for €2,000. You focus on building, we handle the identity design. Trusted by 100+ companies. (Ad)

Join Million Labs and fast-track your startup journey with their proven framework. Improve your startup's chances of success, just like 1500+ startups already did. (Ad)

Classifieds are paid ads that help support this newsletter.

Useful 🥳

#1. Submit your startup or project to get featured in our newsletter in-front of 20,000+ startup founders, tech enthusiasts and early adopters. Click here.

#2. Advertise with us and reach 20,000 of the most ambitious people on the planet. Just reply to this email to get in touch! :)

That’s it for this time, see you next week!

— Jaisal (@ratheejaisal)

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